(Note: This review is of the Sexist, Egotistical, Lying, Hypocritical, Bigot, Edition)
On a plain white background we have the three main characters toasting each other, while sitting on the boss's desk. The boss is tied up in his chair behind them. An orange banner at the top has the name of this special edition, which is also a quote from the film, describing the kind of person the boss really is. There is also other various text on the cover like the title, actors names, and the tagline, "Getting even is a full time job!" While simplistic, the cover does a great job conveying the theme of the film.
A short intro of clips from the movie plays, along with the theme song. The clip transitions into a shot of a looping clock, allowing you to select one of the following: Play, Language Selection, Scene Selection, Special Features. Each sub menu is a static screen, with a render of one of the cast. The color scheme of the menus are bright & vibrant, very late seventies-early-eighties, just like the film.
While the packaging & menus list stereo and mono mixes all audio tracks are encoded as 2.0. The tracks that are mono are one track duplicated across two channels. The mix labeled "English Stereo" mix has true left & right separation. By default, the "Mono" track is what will play if you don't enter the menu first & select stereo. It sounds fine but the true stereo track definitely has better dynamics, especially during any musical scenes. The dubs don't sound especially great, but they're pretty much a novelty on a film made in English.
I don't know if this version is remastered, but it looks decent. While optical shots, such as the credits & animation sequence, have some dirt, pops, splotches/various debris, the rest of the film is free of any major artifacts. The color & contrast are fine. Compression is okay too, no major issues. While a tad soft there are no signs of noise reduction, a nice layer of film grain is visible throughout. A separate fullscreen edition, with the same extras, is also available to purchase. I'm unsure about the framing of said edition.
This version, which is named after a quote from the movie, has a few new extras that the original DVD didn't. The trailer from the previous edition in here, along with new extras as follows: audio commentary, two featurettes, gag reel, deleted scenes, and a karaoke version of the theme. The featurettes & gag reels are in fullscreen, wile the karaoke & deleted scenes are letterboxed with-in a fullscreen frame.
(As of 5/16/24) The Blu-Ray edition of this film was a very limited release, and sells for insanely high prices online. I'd recommend this version if you don't want to spend big bucks. The Blu-Ray edition offers the same extras as this release, but with an isolated score. Aside from better compression, I'd imagine the Blu-Ray probably doesn't look vastly different anyways.
ASPECT RATIO: 1.85:1 (Original Widescreen)
DISC SIZE: Dual-Layer (7.74 Gb)
AUDIO: English 2.0 (192 KB/s)
English, French, Spanish 2.0 Dual Mono (192 KB/s)
SUBTITLES: English, Spanish
RUN-TIME: 1 Hour 49 Minutes